
About Skybridge team

Connecting the unconnected

Like the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, 2500 years ago, within Seafone we believe that the core of any creative process is closely related to the ability of making new connections. It is precisely out of these new connections, by connecting the so far unconnected, the unrelated, that new ideas, new concepts may appear.
We believe that whether it is about entrepreneurs bringing together resources from different places to build new businesses, about engineers mixing different technologies to create new ones or artists working on cross-cultural ideas, connectivity helps us to overcome our own boundaries. Within Seafone we help bring people, ideas and visions together, for a better world.



Ongoing investment in cutting edge technology

Our ongoing investment program ensures that our clients always have the latest technology and best services. With innovative solutions combined with our maritime roaming agreements, you are equipped to exceed any business goals.


Flexible service integration into your organisation

We realize that everyone has different needs and business goals. We work with a variety of organizational sizes and market segments, each using services tailored to their single business and performance objective.


Excellent response times

We know that you need a disruption free, zero down time wireless service. Even though we proactively resolve issues, you may still call our support team that works on multiple time zones to deal with an issue immediately.


The people behind

Our team is made up of industries’ most appreciated professionals with decades of experience within Satellite and Mobile phone telecommunications, with proven expertise, reliability, high responsiveness and rapidity to decide on business skills.