Merchant marine & Fishing yessels


Thanks to Seafone products and VSAT technology becoming wide-spread, crew members of any kind of vessel may now enjoy the same grade of services like on land. High quality Wi-Fi connectivity, recent films, live TV, music, dedicated SIM card plans, seamless usage of personal communication devices, dedicated apps, all with very affordable prices. Our services are also an excellent mean to stay in close contact between headquarters and staff on board.

So far, offering a seamless GSM network for Commercial shipping was impossible due to bandwidth and hardware costs reasons. Thanks to our post-paid SIM card plans, voice applications and content servers, combined to higher bandwidth availability on board more and more ships, the cellular systems may be activated.

Seafone’s cutting edge wireless service includes the entire network, distributed antenna system and international roaming agreements for call terminations around the world. Ship owner or ship management companies fit our distributed antenna network in order to access to our services.

Our wireless service is also an excellent mean to stay in close contact between headquarters and staff on board.