Cruise & Ferries

Skybridge Cruise & Ferries

Seafone's cellular service at high seas targets passengers, enabling them to use their own smartphones and mobile devices, under roaming principle. On board generated revenues are shared with the ship owner, creating an unmatched revenue stream while delivering state of the art service to your clients.

Seafone cutting edge wireless service includes the entire network, distributed antenna system and international roaming agreements for call terminations around the world.

Seafone owns, operates, and supports the entire service as long as it remains available on board.

Seafone offers various applications, such as our “on board locator” which helps passengers find their way and access to various information for the life while cruising.

Seafone wireless service enables ship operators to keep in touch with every mobile phone user while on board. Locally or remotely generated informative messages are delivered to announce promotions or any other desired information. Seafone creates a unique communication channel between your vessel and customers: prior the cruise, during and even after.

Seafone wireless service is also an excellent mean to keep close connectivity between headquarters and staff on board.

For crew members we offer post or pre-paid SIM cards with dedicated phone numbers to help them stay in contact with friends and family whilst getting very attractive call and data rates.